Saturday, 26 November 2011

Kottayam17-Unni R

How will we say which one is the best out of all the 8 short stories. Each one is better than the best.

Picturization of each character in his story is deeply felt.His Kottayam Dialect(Eastern Kerala) is making this literature very particularly consuming.

I liked "Boothavistan" the most. In this the character Krishnan would like to scream at public places, at official meeting, at Parents-Teachers asscociation, at party procession due to behavioral disorders which is unknown even to his wife. He is communicating the same to his wife Padmini that his colleague Rajendran has some obscure psychic disturbance by concealing his fix. The same he is putting across to Rajendra that his neighborhood Professor has certain pshycological unbalance. He is also consulting a pshchiatrist, duped into thinking his friend Rajendran has specific psychiatic problem. Later he himself finding a solution to his disorder by being busy in life.

This book also command attention due to its quality of expression of thoughts. His dare picturization of each character is highly appreciable.

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