Friday, 18 November 2011


Pandavapuranam is an inscrutable work of art.

Sethu Madhavan through his genious writing would take any reader to an unknowable and mysterious path of fiction. He is going to extreme lengths in expressing the feeling of female sexuality through the Character Devi. Pandavapuranam is a place created in Devi's mind out of hallucination due to her estrangement and disaffection due to her unfaithful husband who left her in self-exile. In that imaginary world of Pandavapuranam, she attracts the paramour and pulverize him in avenge. In one of her extreme delusion, her husband is revisiting her. However, with her preconceived morbid behaviour and tenebrous attitude, she offered him the role of a paramour and be last in the queue of such illicit lovers.

The novel must be pioneer in the list of fiction with enigmatic appearance it gives to the readers.

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